
Conflict avoidance with loved ones.

Conflict avoidance with loved ones.

Do you frequently get into conflict situations with your loved ones? If your answer is affirmative, then you need to take stock of what is happening. While it is good to bring out differences in the open and resolve conflict situations, it is also necessary to strive for conflict avoidance

Conflict avoidance means those conflict situations that arise because of your negligence and carelessness

Here are some typical examples of negligence: 

  • Forgetting to cap the toothpaste 
  • Forgetting to say, “Good Morning” if that is your habit 
  • Not informing that you are coming home late 
  • Not keeping your promises 
  • Not listening when your spouse is talking to you 
  • Saying, “No” without thinking 

The list can go on. What you need to do is come up with a list like the one above. It is a good idea to keep a log book to note down all the triggers that precipitate conflict situations

After observing for a week or two you will be able to consolidate the main reasons for the conflict. This list of main reasons can be used for conflict avoidance.

Once you have an accurate list, you can begin to examine it carefully. Apply the Pareto Principle if the list is a long one.  What are the 20% of the causes that trigger 80% of the conflict situations? 

Choose three items from the prioritized list and begin to work upon them for conflict avoidance. 

You will very soon see the magic that begins to happen in terms of this strategy of conflict avoidance. 

Focused Attention: Twelve Powerful Tips for a laser focus.

Focused Attention: Twelve Powerful Tips for a laser focus.
Having a focused attention is difficult now-a-days, especially if you are working on a computer with Internet connectivity. It is easy to get tempted by millions of things you can do on the Internet and lose your focused attention.

The ability of people to have a laser focus is premium, and it is one skill that will be worthwhile for you to develop.

Here are some tips you can use right away to develop focused attention:
  1. Switch off the Internet while working on a computer
  2. Close your email while you are working on something
  3. Have in front of you two or three major things you want to accomplish before you start the day
  4. Unless it is an emergency be ruthless about your appointment with yourself
  5. Reward yourself after you accomplish every pre-determined project or task
  6. Set a goal to accomplish at least one pre-determined task every day
  7. Learn meditation and practice it
  8. Allot a specific time during the day for social networking and be ruthless about it
  9. Tell your friends, peers, and others that you are busy and can meet them only later
  10. Train the people around you to respect your “accomplishing time”
  11. Determine whose call you will take and whose calls you will ignore
  12. Avoid answering your cell phone at all cost
All these steps will help you to get that focused attention you will need to succeed in any area of life. Getting into the habit of having laser focus and maintaining it will give you a competitive advantage that is difficult to duplicate.

In all life's endeavours a habit that will give you success is the ability to get and maintain a laser focus. This is one skill that is not taught in schools, and you will have to develop it on your own.

Always monitor whether you are having that laser focus to attain your goals. Good Luck to you.