
How to stay positive?

Are you feeling bad right now? How have you felt IMG_0282the last few days? If you are like everyone of us, you would have experienced periods of feeling low.

How do you get into these states? One of the common ways you begin to feel low and find it difficult to stay positive is when your mind has hooked on to some words or phrases that are negative and acidic!

 If you carefully listen to you can catch these words.
Let me give you some of the common words and phrases people use to put themselves down:
  • Loser
  • I am ugly.
  • I am a failure.
  • She hates me.
  • They are after me.
  • My luck is bad.
  • I am such a fool.
I am sure you can come up with a similar list. Many a times you may be beating yourself with the negative phrases told to you by others. These phrases can cause you immense gloomy feelings.

How do you get out of this trap? One of the best ways is to re-frame the words and substitute them with your own positive ones. It requires a bit of training. Let me recommend some books for you to help you in re-framing:
  • Unlimited Power
  • Awaken the Giant within
Both these books by Anthony Robbins give you a lot of exercises to change and re-frame your thinking.

In addition to these exercises here are few tips from an article I read in Psychology today.

Click on the link below:

Ten life-enhancing things you can do in ten minutes or less.

Incorporate these routines regularly to ward of negativity in your life.

How to use a book to change the state of your mind?

There are times when you will feel bored or depressed or just plain anxious. There will also be periods of extreme sadness or frustration, especially if you are going through a divorce or a job loss. This is the time you need to help yourself and not give up.
A book I found very useful is “Feeling Good” by David D Burns, MD. It will show you what are the basics of depression you need to be aware of. It will also teach you the warning signs of depression.
It has lots of exercises to get you out of depression. You can even  measure your levels of depression,  and chart your progress.

I highly recommend this book as a companion to professional help. It also gives you the threshold level of depression beyond which you need to take professional help.

I also suggest you buy the handbook too.

These books can save your life or the life of your loved one!