
When do your loved ones need you most?

When everything is going smooth, the need for your support is a given. Suddenly, something drastically goes wrong. Your nearest and dearest commits a grave mistake.

What do you do?

This is the time to reflect! This is the time to look and establish the goals of the relationship; This needs to be done despite the anger and the hatred that may be welling up in you; Because it is during these times your loved one needs you the most.

You need to get into the habit of looking at others mistakes with compassion.

Who knows? You may need it one day!

Worst possible outcome

How important is it to visualize periodically the worst possible outcome? I think it needs to be done. You can do it as long as it doesn't trigger anxiety, stress, and worry.

This has to be done from a point of view of contingency planning.

Though these scenarios rarely come true, the very fact that you have a contingency plan and escape route keeps you more confident.

Try it out in few areas of your life.