
How can you make next week the most productive week of your life?

As I sit today and look back at the week that went by, I feel I have accomplished quite a few things. However, I cannot say I was most productive all the days of the week.
Why is that so?

What about you? Was this week, the best, in terms of productivity?

Let's make next week the most productive week! Here are few of my thoughts of how to accomplish, just that.
This is possible only if you have every day of next week taken care of.

How do you make a day, any day productive?

Here is what you need to do:
  • Always have your days goals set the previous night. Never start a day with out a list of goals to achieve.
  • Have a good nights sleep the previous day
  • Get up sufficiently early to reach your work place an hour earlier
  • Start your day wit tasks related to the first goal you have planned to go after. Never start the day opening your email.
  • Complete at least one major task before you check your email.
  • Do not keep your email open for more than 15 minutes. Get yourself a timer and ruthlessly shut down the email when the alarm beeps.
  • Set shutting down as a cue to get out of your desk and walk away from your desk-may be to another colleague, just to say hello or to the water cooler or to any other place you choose; This is your break and limit it to just 10 minutes.
  • Get back, refreshed, and start on another task related to the same goal or another goal.
  • Determine a preset time you will work on the task, say 30 minutes, and set the timer on
  • Ensure that you tackle at least two major goals in the first half of the day and two major goals (total 4 goals) in the second half of the day.
  • Check emails periodically and act according to urgency. always get back to the task you have started.
  • You can use minor, unrelated tasks as breaks too.
  • Ensure you spread the goals around the dashboard (see previous post on dashboard)
  • Ensure that when you get back you have goals set for home/personal front too
  • Schedule an hour to do totally random non goal related things

Try this out! Do share your experience here.

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Is your environment conducive to your goals and values?

Of all the powerful forces that act on us, environment is top on the list. It can make or break you. It can make or break your family. It can make or break your child.

How much of the environment you and your family are exposed to, are under your control?

It is important to take stock; While it is always not possible to have an environment conducive to your values or goals. it is very important to take charge your environment as far as possible.

You need, what I call compensatory exposure to environments/people who will reinforce your values and goals.

Compensatory exposure cannot happen by chance. You need to engineer it and plan for it.

What is your experience?

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Do you use the "power of ONE"?

There is the "power of one". It helps you to focus. It helps you to move quickly and steadily towards your goals.
What is the "power of one"? It is a very simple concept; Yet it is powerful and profound.

The "power of one" is getting into the habit of asking the following question and acting on the answer:
What is the ONE thing I need to do today that will get me to my goal? Answer this question and then schedule to do that; Do that!

You can ask the "power of one" questions at different levels and in different areas of your life.

  • What is the one goal I need to pursue today that will give me the maximum return?

  • What is my one fault that if I correct will give me a giant leap in becoming a productive individual?

  • What is my one talent that I possess if I utilize will give me a tremendous fulfillment?

  • What is the one thing I need to do to improve my relationship with my child?

  • What is the one thing I need to do to contribute meaningfully to the society or community?

Once you have achieved that one thing then you can move on to another.

Try it out! Do share your thoughts here!

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