
What can you do when the world economy is slowing down?--- BUILD RESILIENCE!!!

I can see the markets slowing down, banks collapsing, people going berserk with fear. Perhaps nobody anticipated this crisis; The ones who saw it coming may have buried their heads in denial.

Looking at the current situations here are few things we need to do to build resilience:

  • Spend wisely-It is very easy to waste money
  • Seal the cracks through which you are losing money-late credit card payments, delayed bills, wasteful ways with electricity, water,---
  • Have a vocation 1 & a vocation 2 and develop alternative sources of income
  • Become entrepreneurial rather than just an employee
  • Develop a family vision for handling finance
  • Explore various ways of investing
  • Develop your knowledge and skills and enhance your earning capacity
  • Spend time with your family and build a strong fortress of support in terms of relationships
  • Network as never before-the more the friends you have the more the support system
  • Get into the habit of helping others-make the law of reciprocity work for you
  • Exercise and keep yourself healthy and encourage your family to adopt healthy life styles
  • Get serious about spiritual pursuits-there is a lot more to life than just money and materialistic wins
  • Have planned entertainment
  • Learn and practice Yoga-meditation
All these activities will increase your resilience in these turbulent times.

Helping yourself to be resilient while helping others to be resilient is the best vaccination against the ills the current world trends will expose you to. 

People need to be together and help each other more than any other time in the recent past.

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Been away on a business trip followed by vacation

I did not post all these days. I got tied with other activities of life. I am back now and will post daily.

How balanced are you?

Many of us live extreme lives. We either skew towards being flaky, fun loving, pleasure seeking, individuals or skew in the opposite direction, organized, serious, disciplined, fun avoiding or postponing individuals.

I think both these positions are wrong and will have its serious consequences. The key way here is to be serious and fun loving. We need to strive for balance. Here are few tips of how to do exactly that:
  • Monitor your self
  • Schedule the opposite-If you have serious pursuits, add fun pursuits and vice a verse
  • Block serious work time
  • Block fun time
  • Mix with children
  • Mix with serious business people or your professional group
  • Schedule "let go" weekends and controlled weekdays
  • Schedule "serious weekends" and "let go" week days
  • Be flexible at times based on the situation
  • Be rigid at times based on the situation

Try these out! Live a full Life.

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How many goals behind are you?

I hope you have the habit of setting goals. I have been setting goals all my life. I have achieved many of them or most of them. I am sure you would have too.

What is important for us to check, periodically, is whether we are continuing to set goals and and continuing to achieve, as many, of them as possible.

The greatest danger you and I face is the tendency to become complacent. When we achieve one goal or some goals, we think we have arrived; suddenly, after losing a lot of time we realize that we have fallen back and there are many goals, staring at our face, still to be achieved; The more we have them, the more overwhelmed, we feel.

It is difficult to start again because we have fallen into inertia and we are also confused where to begin.

The solution to this problem is to keep track of the goals constantly, review periodically, and act to achieve the goals in a timely manner;This way we will live a fuller life.

What do you think? Do leave your comments here.

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Have you started a reversal program?

Some things deteriorate. This happens despite us taking steps to prevent it. This is more so true in the current age in which we are living in.

We are pressured, as never before, from all sides. It takes in and saps our energy leaving us exhausted. One terrible day we suddenly realize the extent of deterioration that has happened.

For example;
  • Soured relationship
  • Wayward children
  • Dwindling finance
  • Being stuck in a career
  • Lack of friends
  • Weight problem
  • High blood pressure

The list can go on.

What I am going to suggest may be one of the most important things you have ever read.


  1. Take stock
  2. List the things that have gone wrong
  3. Segregate the things you can still take action upon
  4. Prioritize that list
  5. Start acting
  6. Reverse the negative trend
  7. Install a positive trend
  8. Enjoy


  • Overweight
  • Not spending time with the family
  • Low bank balance
  • No friends
  • Debt
  • Poor relationship with your children

Take action while you still have time!

What do you think. Do leave your comment here.

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Do you lose your cool easily?

All of us can easily get through the day when things are going normally. The test of our mettle is when you get stressed up with all kinds of demands.

If you are having a rough day and you suddenly get a call that is irritating, as the person talking to you is arrogant and not listening to you or not willing to answer your questions, what do you do?

There is a great temptation to dump all the frustration on this one individual and give him your piece of mind. You may even feel good after such a conversation. However, the after effects of such an interaction can harm you more than anybody else. Your blood pressure may hit the roof, you get moody, and your anger may continue for another couple of hours.
How can you avoid this?
Here are a few tips:
  • Relax consciously during the day
  • Be aware of your emotions
  • Constantly remind yourself that you could loose control of your temper
  • Be aware of the affect others are having on you
  • Postpone talking if you find yourself getting worked up

It is better to not have a conversation with an individual than to loose cool and destroy the relationship. Even if you want to persuade the person to your direction or cause, the time to have that conversation is when you are cool.

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Garlic bread and thin crust pizza incident

Last Saturday we ordered thin crust pizzas and garlic breads from a reputed pizza restaurant near our home.

The pizzas & garlic breads came on time, while they forgot to give us the dip we ordered along with the garlic bread.

We called them and they said that it will be at our door step in 5 minutes. After an hour and two further reminders, I thought it is about time to set this situation right.

I called them up and gave them critique which finally resulted in they sending us the dip and refunding us money ( a 30% discount for the inconvenience caused). Why did this conversation yield success. I am giving below the factors that lead to the success:
  1. Carefully planned conversation
  2. Clear explanation of the situation
  3. Eliciting metaphorically the difference between the Pizza Restaurant & a Street vendor
  4. Linking what has happened to their values and showing them the in congruence
  5. Telling them of the consequences of not responding to me based on their own values
  6. Telling them what the same Pizza restaurant would have done in other countries
  7. Asking them how the will solve my problem
  8. Negotiating on the final outcome

They quickly agreed step by step to comply to, not just my wishes, but their own dear held values.

Have you had a similar experience? DO share it here in your comments.

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How do you attain a procrastiantion free life?

I think we need to start small. How about a procrastination free day?

These are the steps I would recommend:
  1. Define procrastination
  2. Define specific tasks for the day related to goals you want to achieve
  3. Set specific rules to distinguish between delaying a task because of prioritization and delaying a task because of procrastination
  4. Choose your first procrastination free day
  5. Live that day
  6. Celebrate
  7. Choose either to maintain a one day target or increase it if you feel confident

Starting small is the key to such a life.

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Do you collect the information you need?

We are constantly bombarded by information. They come from everywhere and hit us from all directions. The more information you get, the more you get used to reacting to it.

It is so easy, in this information age, to get so used to getting information without any efforts on our part that we begin to develop this dangerous habit of waiting for information to come on its own. Many a times we forget to seek information when we actually need to do so.

The only way to combat this habit is to ask this very important question frequently:

Do I need more information?

Seek information and you will be surprised at the impact it has on your decisions and your productivity.

What do you think? Do share your comments here.

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How does environment affect you?

I was waiting for my wife and daughter to finish their shopping at an international beauty shop. I couldn't help overhearing the sales girl in the shop explaining how environment-sunlight, pollution, dust, etc affects the skin. She suggested specific creams and lotions to apply daily.

This set me thinking. What about the affects of the environment on your inner self? World is full of pollution, obscene pictures, vulgar music, dishonest people---. The negative list can go on and on. You are surrounded by powerful media that influence you in a negative way; Without even knowing, you are affected, by all this bombardment of negative messages.

Just like your skin needs cleansing and application of creams to keep it glowing and healthy, your inner self needs cleansing too.

How can you cleanse your inner self?
  • Read wholesome books that inspire
  • Listen to inspiring music
  • Go to inspiring movies
  • Meditate
  • Mix with friends who have principled values
  • Filter out all the negative as much as possible

You can never be too careful in keeping your inner self glowing and healthy. It is as important as buying beauty creams from a beauty shop.

What do you think?

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Do you prioritize your day's experience?

Let's go back in time to the year 1970. The number of options for you to fill your day was very limited.

Look at the picture depicting the options you had in the 70s':
  • Movies

  • TV (depending on where you lived)

  • Radio

  • Theatre

  • Sports

  • Music

  • Hobbies

  • Work

  • Mail

  • Books

I have not listed all of them. I am sure there could be more to add.

Look at the picture depicting today:

  • TV

  • Internet

  • Blogs

  • Social networking

  • Wikis

  • Groups


  • email

  • Video games

  • Theatre

  • Cell phone

  • ipod

  • Movies

  • Movies at home through DVD/HD

  • Sports

  • Hobbies

  • Books

  • ebooks

The list can go on and on. The point I am making is that today we have much more options in front of us and that can be overwhelming. Moreover, unless we choose carefully, we may end up wasting time in activities that may not be yielding fully to our well being and happiness.

We need to take charge of the experiences we can have day to day by prioritizing and developing a hierarchy of fun and valuable things to do.

Think about it next time you reach for the remote to watch TV. Do you have better options? Are you stuck in one way of entertaining yourself? Are you stuck in one or few ways of networking? Are you stuck with one way of getting information or knowledge?

Think hard and act now! It will spell the difference between having a wholesome life in contrast with a boring, routine filled life?

What do you think?

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Do you program yourself with the word "if"?

I have heard a lot of "ifs" in my life. In fact I have myself used this word again and again until I realized its destructive power.

If I get good marks, I will join the best college.
If I achieve my target, I will get a lot of incentive
If my business is successful, I will earn my first million dollars
The list can go on and on---

If is very destructive. You are programming yourself for failure because there is an element of doubt in it. You need to substitute "if" with "when".

When I get good marks, I will join the best college
When I achieve my target, I will get a lot of incentives
When my business is successful, I will earn my first million dollars

Not only do we program ourselves with "if" we also use this word extensively with others too. We need to be careful so that we are not programmed by others through the use of the word"if".

Remember IF= doubt. WHEN=certainty

Always use "when"!

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Do you have the habit of reviewing/checking/critiquing/measuring?

If you do not review or measure your progress, you will never get anything done. Even if you manage to get things done, you may end up doing things that may not get you too far.

I have been doing some serious thinking these days to add some formal review/critiquing mechanism to my personal life too; Even though, I am more right brained than left brained, a metrics/review/critique driven life can definitely help me.

What are the areas in life that you should measure or review?
Let me draw up a list here, at random:
  1. Savings in the bank

  2. Weight

  3. Pursuit to specific goals

  4. Meditation-your spiritual life

  5. Time you spend with your spouse

  6. Time you spend with your daughter/son

  7. Vacation

  8. Your health-Blood pressure, HDL, LDL, Total cholesterol---

  9. Your diet

  10. Your community work

  11. The number of quality books you have read

  12. Your expenses

  13. Your debt

  14. Your earnings

  15. Your resume

  16. Your business numbers

  17. Your hobbies

  18. Time you fritter away

  19. Your bad habits

  20. Your good habits

  21. Wholesome movies you have watched

  22. Your friends

  23. Your extended family

  24. Your possessions

  25. Your property

  26. Your cars

  27. Your laptop

  28. Your cell phone

  29. Your PDA

  30. Your camera

  31. Your video camera

  32. Your jewellery

  33. Your skill sets

  34. Your knowledge

  35. Work life balance

The list above is not exhaustive. As I was typing the above list I suddenly realized that I have not used my video camera for more than a year. I do not know what is the state of its batteries.

A regular review can give you real insights about yourself and your life. Once you identify areas you need to take action, you can begin to act and live a more fulfilled life.

What do you think? Do you systematically review/critique important areas of your life?

Try it out! It can make a huge difference.

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What are the 30 things that make you an "also ran"?

There are so many factors that limit you to mediocrity and makes you an "also ran".

Check out whether any or all of these are playing a havoc in your life:

  1. Blind role modelling
  2. Unexamined influence of people
  3. Labels you or others have attached onto you
  4. Negative programming you have undergone
  5. Lack of vision
  6. Lack of mission
  7. Lack of well thought out goals
  8. Unexamined values
  9. Complacency
  10. Quickly satisfied with what you have currently achieved
  11. Laziness and other habits
  12. Not knowing your strengths
  13. Environment
  14. Negative cultural influence of:-(1) family, (2) Team, (3) Organization, (4) Country, (5) Current era in which you are born to (6) friends
  15. Your self-talk
  16. Narrow interests
  17. Narrow focus on your job
  18. Inadequate support
  19. Wrong job
  20. Poor risk taking
  21. Inadequate seeking of adventure
  22. Negative influence of books
  23. Negative influence of TV
  24. Negative influence of movies
  25. Negative influence of Internet
  26. The place your are currently living in
  27. Unexamined negative experiences from your past
  28. Your lack of education
  29. Not spending time alone to introspect
  30. Not learning from your mistakes

Use the above checklist and break free.

What do you think? Do record here your comments.

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How often do you try new things?

It is very easy to get into a rut and live a dull life. We get stuck to our careers, place we live, kind of books we read, entertainment we seek,---

Unless we schedule some time to try out new things, we may live for years missing out on many experiences.

I have decided to schedule an hour a day for trying out new stuff.

Some of the stuff I have shortlisted:
  • Drawing
  • Writing a book
  • Playing around with photoshop
  • Editing my video tapes
  • Social work

I may not do everything everyday, but I will do something, for an hour, everyday.

Exploring various options, potential talent areas, and experiences are very important in addition to pursuing goals related activities.

Try it out! Break the monotony in your life-try new stuff!

What do your think? Do leave your comments here.

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Lessons from music!

I was listening to music on my ipod; Relaxing, with lights switched off, I could easily focus on the lyrics of the song and the accompanying music, the chorus, the violin here and there, the drums, ---

It set me thinking.

How does the music director/composer know the various sounds he has gathered together to compose such a melodious music?

I am sure she would have done the following:

  1. Be passionate about music
  2. Research the various instruments
  3. Research the various sounds
  4. Put in years of practice
  5. Experiment with various sounds
  6. Use her innate talent in composing music
  7. Studied music
  8. Practice till she is perfect
  9. Use her creativity to compose

Our lives should be like that.

We need to pack our days with carefully selected experiences; Just like a music director composing music.

Steps to pack in wholesome experiences:

  1. List out the stuff that are wholesome and fun to do
  2. List out things that are beneficial to do
  3. Align them to your goals.
  4. Carefully plan your day and week with things to do that will give you maximum fun and benefit-Example-Exercise, listen to music, study, time with family---
  5. Live them
  6. Have fun
  7. Reap the benefits

Fill your day with carefully chosen activities and you will be amazed how much fun living can be!

Try it out!

What do you think? Do share your thoughts in your comments here.

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Do you have secrets in your family?

A healthy family should be an open family. There should be high trust and willingness to share with no room for secrets. This is possible only if all the family members are mature and trustworthy.
It is important to build such families, consciously. Your family is an open family when your family members have nothing to hide from one another.

A couple marries, has children, and the family culture is formed by their actions. The culture can be from completely being open to being completely closed.

The key to openness in families lie in the willingness and the capability, of its family members, to resolve conflicts. It also depends on how emotions are handled, both from the giving and receiving end. If anger is the main currency of emotion in the family, it becomes very difficult for people to open up.
I have seen many families. Some of them are completely closed. These families seem to do well when things are normal. There is a sense of calm. This calm is very deceptive as there is simmering anger and mistrust among family members.

These families will break up when faced with jugular issues - such as property, business, expenditure, and other materialistic concerns.

I have also seen families that get into the storm of conflict, but because the family members trust each other, and are willing to go the mile to resolve the conflict, through openness, humbleness, forgiveness, and trust, they emerge victorious-stronger and more cohesive than ever before.

What about your family? Do you have secrets from your trusted family members; It is time to examine them.
It requires a lot of intra-personal work to become a person with no secrets.

What is your experience? Do share your thoughts here!
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17 steps to live a life congruent to your wholesome values

It is very important to have all our actions congruent to our wholesome values. One of the best ways to ensure that your actions and values are aligned and congruent is to introspect and take action.

Here are a few steps to do them:
  • Find yourself a free time-say about an hour
  • Seclude yourself-you need to be alone for this exercise
  • Look back at your life, as it is, currently happening.
  • Ask yourself this question-Am I doing anything that is against my value system?
  • List them down at random on a pad or in your PDA memo
  • If you have more than two violations then you need to prioritize them
  • Prioritize them by the biggest violation
  • Select the biggest violation
  • Decide to get rid of this behavior that violates your deep seated, principle based values
  • Assess the impact of getting rid of the behaviour
  • Give yourself a timeline to get rid of this behaviour
  • Check out whether you can get rid of this behaviour on your own or you need help
  • Reach out to your family members or close friends (if you are comfortable doing so) and take their support and help. This may require you opening up to them.
  • Determine action steps to get rid of the behaviour
  • Get rid of the behavior
  • Reward yourself
  • Continue this exercise till you have eliminated every non aligned behaviour

Try this out. It can have tremendous impact on your self-esteem. It will boost your self-esteem sky high. It will also relieve a lot of stress in the long run

Living a congruent life is foundational to living a life of joy and happiness.

What is your experience? Do share your thoughts here!

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Do you have important information at your finger tips?

There are times when you need information at your finger tips. Hence it is important to classify all the information you need on a day to day, week to week, or month to month basis and constantly record and update them so that you can retrieve them in less than 2 minutes time.

Here are some key steps to achieve that:

  1. Identify and make a list of information you will require
  2. In the first month it will be better to make up an initial list and add to it as you go by-examples: Your bank address, your credit card payment information, your bank balance, your dues, telephone numbers, frequent flier number---
  3. Decide where you will record them-PDA, cell phone, small pad ---
  4. Update constantly

Try these strategies and you will never be at loss for want of an information.

What is your experience? Do share your thoughts here!

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Twelve steps to build your knowledge and be the most sought after person in your field!

You never know when you will need knowledge? There is a distinct difference between knowledge and information. Many people confuse information for knowledge!

What are the steps you can take to build your knowledge in your chosen fields?

Here they are:
  1. Choose the fields in which you want to build your knowledge
  2. Identify your sources for that knowledge-Books, Journals, Training, discussion groups---
  3. Develop a plan for utilizing these resources
  4. Read a book a week in your field
  5. Visit book stores once a week and buy the latest books in your field
  6. Buy the best sellers in your field.
  7. Buy CD ROMS connected to your field
  8. Record your own experience and learning connected to your field
  9. Fraternize with people in your field. Discuss and exchange the latest knowledge based inputs with them
  10. Study and utilize your company's knowledge management system
  11. Develop communities of practice in your field-You lead the way.
  12. Attend seminars and workshops in your field

The more you do these, the more demand you will be in.

Try these twelve steps; They will change your life forever.

You never know when you will need knowledge! Be prepared!

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Do you mix up support tasks from tasks that take you to your goals?

It is very easy to fill your day with support tasks.

Some examples:
  • Checking your mail
  • Checking your bank balance
  • Paying the bills
  • Cleaning your desk
  • Charging your mobile
  • Paying credit card account

The list can go on. These are useful activities. They need to be done. They are hygiene. However, they support your goals, but don't actually help you to reach your goals.

Example: Checking your bank balance will help you to know how much you have in the bank, but it will not increase your earning capacity nor your saving capacity.

It is important to distinguish tasks that will lead you to your goals with tasks that will support your goals.

You need to do both. You need to plan for both.

Stay tuned for future posts on this subject.

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Are you living with resources gaps? Time to take action---

Have you ever postponed getting yourself an important resource? I did! In fact, I postponed for years, buying myself a table; In our family we share the work table.

However, I bought myself a table few days back. The table is having a good impact on my productivity. I now have a place to sit and focus on the various tasks at hand; Not that I could not do it before, but I had always had to use some other place for work, other than the table, when my wife or daughter was using it.

I wish I had bought myself the table much earlier. The fact that, we lived in different countries where my consulting assignments took me did not help either.

The learning for me is that I need to examine the various resources I need, rate them on an importance scale and go about buying them.

What about you? Have you checked about the important resources you need day in day out?

Take a look at your needs and examine your current resources. If you have a gap then you need to seriously consider bridging the gap.

The result of such an endeavour can be profound and it will make your life much easier.

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Are your ideas stuck in a queue?

You may be the type who have a lot of ideas running in your head. While many people struggle to get ideas, you come up with a lot of ideas with ease. However, you find, to your dismay, that people with lesser ideas getting far ahead of you.

Why does this happen?

For many creative people, coming up with ideas becomes an end in itself instead of a means of achieving success. They may even take pride in labeling themselves as Mr. Creative or Ms. Genius.

If your ideas get stuck in a queue, then they die.

There is something strange about ideas.

Ideas live only if they are executed!

It is important to examine your hit rate with ideas. Are your brilliant ideas fading out in the long queue because you are just sitting on your hands doing nothing?

Take stock! Take action!

What is your experience? Do share your thoughts here!

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Seven steps to stop yourself from anticipating and worrying about disasters!

All of us, some time or another, have anticipated or rather worried about an impending disaster.

It may be an interview we need to participate in for a job offer or a presentation to a client we need to make or resolve a conflict with a co-worker ---

Painting a picture of disaster in your mind will not only stress you up, but, also, will set you up for failure.

When was the last time you imagined a major disaster upon yourself and got totally stressed up?

Think about it, while you read about the 7 steps that will free you completely from the grips and aftereffects of your imagination

Here is what you need to do:

Remember, at least, last three times, you got your self into a panic. Did what happened later match your imagination. Invariably, you will find that none of the disasters you imagined actually happened. Even if it had happened, still it was not as bad as you had imagined it to be.

Look at each of the interim events , things or people you are imagining that will lead you to the disaster. Challenge them in writing. When you write your fears and anxieties on paper, it has a near therapeutic effect; Read and challenge them on paper

Paint an opposite picture in your mind; Preferably write them down again on paper- read and smile.

Imagine your close friend has come to you with the same anxiety and fear. What will you counsel him? Role play it your mind. You may be surprised at the counsel you hear yourself giving to your friend. Remember! You can befriend yourself and give yourself the same advice.

Talk to a close friend about your fear. Let her counsel you about it. Follow your counsel.

Remember the worst problem you had encountered in the past, victoriously! Go through the memory in full detail and revel in how clever you were in overcoming it. Compare that problem to this imaginary problem that has not even occurred.

Look at what you are imagining carefully and identify areas where you can take direct action to prevent those areas from creating trouble.; Develop contingency plans too. Prepare carefully and leave the rest to God.

What is your experience? Do share your thoughts here!

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How to use the "power of routines"?

It is so easy for you to get caught in routines. This can be good or it can be bad. It depends on the nature of routines. Most of the people underestimate the power of routines and its influence on their lives.

Routines can either make or break you. Routines can keep you healthy or put you on to the path to illness. Routines can make you rich or drive you down to poverty.

What are the different kinds of routines you follow? Understanding the types of routines is the first step to mastering them.
See the picture before you read further.
There are four kinds of routines:
  • The blind routine: These are the routines that has been set unconsciously and you have been following without examining them. They are dysfunctional- On the softer side they can cause hindrance and on the harsher side they can cause great harm. Example: Throwing your important papers around your home; Swiping your credit card mindlessly.
  • The lucky routine: These are routines that are very useful for you but they have been set unconsciously. You are lucky to have these routines and they help you every step of the way. Going for a walk with your spouse daily-you both get an opportunity to talk and and additionally get the benefits of walking; This routine happened naturally, as both of you never planned it consciously.
  • The dumb routine: These are routines you have consciously set up that are useless or harmful-Your colleague and you go down to the smoking area for a smoke; Both of you want to catch up and talk, and you consciously decided that meeting in the smoking zone and smoking together is the best way to accomplish both-talking and smoking.
  • Smart Routine: Example: You set up a routine of listing the goals you want to achieve the next day, the previous night. These are the routines you have consciously decided and they lead you to your goals.

It is important to examine the mix of routines you have; Weed out the dysfunctional routines, both conscious and unconscious ones, and replace them with beneficial ,conscious ones.

Set your routines right! You will be well on your way to abundance, health, success, and happiness.

What is your experience? Do share your thoughts here!

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When was the last time you went down the memory lane of the moments you spent with your father?

When was the last time you went down the memory lane of the moments you spent with your father?

Today was the day, many years back, I lost my father. I will never forget the day. I received a telegram stating that he has expired. I was in another town and caught the immediately available transportation home. The loss is irreplaceable.

I was very close to my father. He was my friend, philosopher and guide. He was there for me every step of the way, until that fateful day.

Today I just have memories of him. As I looked back at the many years that have gone by since his passing, how many times have I consciously decided to focus on his memories? Most of the time it was at random. May be mind has a way of guarding itself from pain and loss and keeps these memories far below the surface.

As I look back I feel only love and affection for him, the pain has subsided, even though I miss him especially when I want to share my success and happiness with him.

Today I have decided to periodically look back, as a conscious effort, and relive the memories with him-remember the various incidents, the lessons embedded in them, the love and joy that we experienced together.

I have also decided on a project- Collect all the photos of him, connect to the event when the photo was taken, and relive those moments. I have also decided to develop a collage of pictures in a video format carefully narrating the incident, the lessons he taught, and some insight into the person he was.

I think this will reinforce the lessons he taught me and also I will record details of him for my family and future generations.

A large part of the good things and the success that has happened to me I owe it to my father, who molded me to the person who I am today. He along with my mother were the prime architects of my character, values, and strengths that are responsible for my success. I am eternally grateful to them. Hopefully, I, along with my wife, will be able to transmit these values, character and strength to my daughter and her children when she raises her family.

Do you interpret and then act or act and then interpret?

Day in day out we are exposed to events, tasks, results, and our own internal desires. Most of us interpret it and generate a vicious cycle of disaster (see the first figure-Interpretation before action).


  • Result: we are exposed to our disorganized home

  • Interpretation: Organizing the house is a painful and boring job

  • Generate feeling: Feeling of boredom

  • Form belief: I don't enjoy organizing

  • Label: I am a poor organizer

  • Action or avoid action: I do nothing about organizing the house

  • Result: More disorganization

This vicious cycle continues till a major disaster strikes; Even then change is limited to your capacity to interpret.

Let me give you a virtuous cycle-(Act and then interpret)

Act: Instead of interpreting we begin to act. We postpone interpreting

Positive results: We make progress. We get positive results- apart of our house is now organized

Interpret: That wasn't difficult. In fact I liked organizing and I did get the house organized, even though it is a small area of the house

Generate positive belief: I am beginning to enjoy organizing; Organizing the house is easy if I start small and continue for a few days till I get the whole house spic and span.

Dislodge dysfunctional label: I am not a poor organizer.In I am a good organizer; In a few days I will be great organizer

This is a virtuous cycle that will put you well on the path to getting your house organized and you becoming a good organizer.

You can apply this virtuous cycle in every area of life.

Try it out! It will change your life.

What is your experience? Do share your thoughts here!
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Do you have the habit of checking on your resources before you venture upon something?

I caught the company bus today and I was well on my way to a meeting when I suddenly realized that it was raining outside. Even though it is a rainy season in Mumbai, we experienced little rain in the last few days; So I forgot to take an umbrella.

This set me thinking-If only I had checked on what resources I needed before I left for the day, I would not be without an umbrella.

Many of us jump at an activity or a journey without thinking through the resources we need to accomplish the activity or get through a journey.

It is not enough to set goals or define tasks, It is also important to define the resources we need to accomplish that goal or to do that task.

Goals can be achieved through action and if we need to act, we will need the resources that enables the action to be executed.

You need to do the following:

Have a resource pause and ask your self the following question:

What resources do I need?

This one question can save you a lot of time and trouble.

Try it out.

What is your experience? Do share your thoughts here!

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What is one of the best ways to boost your self-esteem?

One of the sure fire ways to boost your self-esteem is to help someone in real need of help. The help could be in form of you doing something for them or it could be a financial support when they need money suddenly or it could be both.

The more you help others in different ways, the more your self-esteem will grow.

How do you go about helping others?

Here are a few tips:

  • Be alert to opportunities that will come by your way
  • Scan your community and plan your help strategy
  • Join social groups that are involved in helping others
  • Begin with your friends and relatives

Try it out! The trick is not to wait for grand opportunities to help others, it is to grab any opportunity, even a small one and help others with a sincere desire to do so with no thought of any return from them in any kind.

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How can you make next week the most productive week of your life?

As I sit today and look back at the week that went by, I feel I have accomplished quite a few things. However, I cannot say I was most productive all the days of the week.
Why is that so?

What about you? Was this week, the best, in terms of productivity?

Let's make next week the most productive week! Here are few of my thoughts of how to accomplish, just that.
This is possible only if you have every day of next week taken care of.

How do you make a day, any day productive?

Here is what you need to do:
  • Always have your days goals set the previous night. Never start a day with out a list of goals to achieve.
  • Have a good nights sleep the previous day
  • Get up sufficiently early to reach your work place an hour earlier
  • Start your day wit tasks related to the first goal you have planned to go after. Never start the day opening your email.
  • Complete at least one major task before you check your email.
  • Do not keep your email open for more than 15 minutes. Get yourself a timer and ruthlessly shut down the email when the alarm beeps.
  • Set shutting down as a cue to get out of your desk and walk away from your desk-may be to another colleague, just to say hello or to the water cooler or to any other place you choose; This is your break and limit it to just 10 minutes.
  • Get back, refreshed, and start on another task related to the same goal or another goal.
  • Determine a preset time you will work on the task, say 30 minutes, and set the timer on
  • Ensure that you tackle at least two major goals in the first half of the day and two major goals (total 4 goals) in the second half of the day.
  • Check emails periodically and act according to urgency. always get back to the task you have started.
  • You can use minor, unrelated tasks as breaks too.
  • Ensure you spread the goals around the dashboard (see previous post on dashboard)
  • Ensure that when you get back you have goals set for home/personal front too
  • Schedule an hour to do totally random non goal related things

Try this out! Do share your experience here.

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Is your environment conducive to your goals and values?

Of all the powerful forces that act on us, environment is top on the list. It can make or break you. It can make or break your family. It can make or break your child.

How much of the environment you and your family are exposed to, are under your control?

It is important to take stock; While it is always not possible to have an environment conducive to your values or goals. it is very important to take charge your environment as far as possible.

You need, what I call compensatory exposure to environments/people who will reinforce your values and goals.

Compensatory exposure cannot happen by chance. You need to engineer it and plan for it.

What is your experience?

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Do you use the "power of ONE"?

There is the "power of one". It helps you to focus. It helps you to move quickly and steadily towards your goals.
What is the "power of one"? It is a very simple concept; Yet it is powerful and profound.

The "power of one" is getting into the habit of asking the following question and acting on the answer:
What is the ONE thing I need to do today that will get me to my goal? Answer this question and then schedule to do that; Do that!

You can ask the "power of one" questions at different levels and in different areas of your life.

  • What is the one goal I need to pursue today that will give me the maximum return?

  • What is my one fault that if I correct will give me a giant leap in becoming a productive individual?

  • What is my one talent that I possess if I utilize will give me a tremendous fulfillment?

  • What is the one thing I need to do to improve my relationship with my child?

  • What is the one thing I need to do to contribute meaningfully to the society or community?

Once you have achieved that one thing then you can move on to another.

Try it out! Do share your thoughts here!

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Do you project a false image of yourself to the outside world

I recently met a few people and found that they were projecting, to the external world, a image of themselves, that was so out of step with reality.

Are you the person, you project to the outside world? If not then there is a major congruence problem.

For many people the projection process may be subconscious, however for a few others it may be deliberate.

In either case, it is not a healthy situation. Watch yourself closely when you next interact with people, you may be surprised at the drama being played.

If you find a disconnect, of who you are and the image you are projecting, then you need to change the behaviour of projecting the false images; This needs a lot of intrapersonal work.

What is your experience? Do share your thoughts here!

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Have you ever got back to your roots?

I took a vacation and went to my native town. Took my family to our ancestral homes and showed them the spots where various events had happened in my childhood. The whole trip was nostalgic. I went to my kindergarten school and took some photographs.

Since, I had lots of time on hand-no laptop or cell phones, I had lots of time to think and reflect back. I found the whole experience very refreshing.

Have you ever tried to go back to your roots? Try it out!

As memories will flood back, along with it you will get nuggets of values that have been associated with those memories. These are the values that have made you the person who you are. Examine them! keep the good ones and discard the dysfunctional ones.

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