
There are some matters in life that are binary. For example wholsome values based on principles. Good habits based on principles. Often we cling to evil habits in one area of life and fool ourselves that they will not affect other areas.

It takes lot of courage to say no to evil habits and when temptation comes to nip them in the bud rather than rationalizing and fooling yourself that one day you will overcome them.

What we need to understand is that the evil habit will generate serious consequences often hidden.

It is binary-Yes or No. Choose no to evil habits and stick to it.


Sharon L. said...

firstly, thanks for your comment on my blog. i was surprised to receive comments from people i do not know, but nevertheless i'm glad for your feedback.
secondly, WOW. your blog is full of insightful reflections on life that it should be on some 'things-to-ponder-today' column in the newspapers. do you make it a point to deliberately write something each day?

Unknown said...

Thanks! Please do visit my blog whenever you feel like.

People like you inspire me. Thanks for your kind remarks.

I am sure you will find life wonderful --- the trick is to make it so