
Is there a way to turbo-charge the change you want to achieve?

If we make a list of areas we need to change, our list will be pretty long. This is true for most of the people. 

We live in day in-day out doing the same things, making the same mistakes and vaguely hoping that some day a magic wand will be waived and we will become the kind of person we want to be.
If we really need to change, we then need to do the following things:

  • Realize that we cannot change everything together
  • Make a list of areas we want to change
  • Identify those items on the list that are causing the maximum trouble
  • Focus on one or two items and decide to make changes in those arenas
  • List all the actions you need to do, in order to reverse the item you have identified and achieve positive change
  • Start small
  • List the people who can help you to change.
  • Focus on getting small wins
  • Celebrate when you achieve your milestones
By taking these steps you will find that you are turbo-charging the changes you want to achieve. 

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How do you fire an employee?

There are times when you need to take a tough decision

Your subordinate, despite all your attempts to correct him has not responded. Moreover, complaints about him is coming from all sides. You, yourself, find that he is not responding to your requests in various areas.

It is then time to ask him to go. Given below is a check list to consult whether you are doing this in the right manner or not:

  1. Have you made all attempts to correct him?
  2. Is firing him a fair option for the company?
  3. Have you involved your HR department and sounded them in advance?
  4. Is our boss aware of what you are going to do?
  5. Are there any legal issues in this action that could back fire?
  6. Have you tried to make the process as less stressful as possible to you as well as him?
  7. Have you thought of the workload and how it will be distributed?
  8. Have you put in place an out placement help(helping him to find another job) by contacting your HR?
  9. Have you carefully planned what you need to tell him while firing him?
  10. Do you have contact with a counselling cell of your company or outside which you can recommend for him
  11. Have you rehearsed what you will tell him?
  12. Have you blocked sufficient time for him so that you can listen to him in case he wants to talk?
These are the twelve items you need to take care of before you tell you tell him that he is fired.

The way you handle an employees planned exit will have profound impact on your other employees who are working under you.

Handle this with care!